EU 2019-2024: How can we support viral hepatitis elimination in line with the WHO global strategy and UN SDGS?
A Panel Discussion from Active.
4 Dec 2018 |Share this on:
Co-hosted by:
Dr. Cristian-Silviu Busoi
Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Friends of the Liver GroupTatjana Reic
Chair, ACHIEVE CoalitionConfirmed panelists include:
Dr. Andrea Ammon
Director, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)Alexis Goosdeel
Director, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)Dr. Corina Pop
State Secretary, Ministry of Health, RomaniaOrtwin Schulte
Head of Unit “Health Policy”, Permanent Representation of Germany to the EUConclusions by
Ricardo Baptista Leite
President, UNITE - Global Parliamentarians Network to End HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and other infectious diseasesThe WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for viral hepatitis and the WHO Europe Action Planconsider the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030 a feasible goal. Evidence suggests only six EU/EEA countries are currently on track to meet this objective. Building on the European Commission Staff Working Document and the European Parliament Resolution, EU and national policy makers, representatives from European and global agencies and key stakeholders will discuss what the next EU legislature can do to help viral hepatitis elimination become a reality in Europe by 2030 for the benefit of patients and society at large.