The online discussion will take place at 2pm on 2 June.
This online public event is free and open to all but pre-registration is required.
Registration for this event will open on Tuesday 26 May after 10am.
For any queries email
Naomi Burke-Shyne (@NaomiSBS) is Executive Director at Harm Reduction International.
Gabriel Feltran is a Sociology Professor at Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
Kasia Malinowska (@OSFKasia) is Director of the Global Drug Policy Programme at Open Society Foundations.
Mark Shaw (@Mark_Shaw_) is Director of Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime.
Alexander Söderholm (@AlexSoderholm) is Policy Coordinator at LSE's International Drug Policy Unit.
John Collins (@JCollinsIDPU) is the Executive Director of LSE's International Drug Policy Unit
This event is part of LSE's public event series - COVID-19: The Policy Response.
COVID-19 represents an enormous challenge for the social sciences to help governments and non-governmental organisations respond to the economic and societal consequences of the pandemic. Part of LSE's response to this challenge is a series of online public events that will take place over the Summer Term.
This event in the series has been organised by the International Drug Policy Unit.
The International Drug Policy Unit (@LSEIDPU) is a cross-regional and multidisciplinary project, designed to establish a global centre for excellence in the study of international drug policy.