Come along to an event by Anyone's Child: Families for Safer Drug Control, a group of families whose lives have been torn apart because of our disastrous drug law.

5 Jul 2016 |

Hear why they and others are now campaigning for a new approach, one that treats drugs as a health issue, rather than a crime, and takes the trade out of the hands of street dealers and violent gangs.

Event 5:7:16

There will also be a Q&A with the speakers:

Anne-Marie Cockburn, from Oxford, mother of 15 year-old Martha, who tragically died due to a drugs overdose.

Neil Woods from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), who served as an undercover drugs officer for 14 years.

Jane Slater, Coordinator of the 'Anyone's Child Families for Safer Drug Control' campaign

Refreshments will be provided.

Tickets cost £5 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (BST) 

St. Barnabas Church - Saint Barnabas Street, Oxford, OX2 6BG

Click here to find out more

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