This joint RCGP and SMMGP conference is the largest event in the UK for GPs, shared care workers, drug users, nurses and other primary care staff, specialists, commissioners and researchers interested in, and involved with the management of drug users in primary care.

4 Nov 2016 |

08:45 Registration, coffee and exhibition 

09:30 Welcome and introduction to the conference theme 
Dr Stephen Willott, GP Nottingham, Conference Chair, GP & Clinical Lead for Alcohol & Drug Misuse, NHS Nottingham 


09:45 Keynote - Drug harm: what’s the truth? 
Professor David Nutt 
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London 

10:15 Pain management: how do we get it right? 
Dr Cathy Stannard 
Consultant in Pain Medicine 

10:45 Q & A session 

10:55 Refreshments and exhibition 

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11:20 What does the future of substance misuse care in the UK look like? 

What are the challenges for the third sector? 
Gordon R. Morse 
FRCGP, Chief Medical Officer, Turning Point 

What difference will the new Orange Book make? 
Steve Brinksman 
Clinical Director, SMMGP 

Click here to read more information

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