Club Health Montréal 2021 will be held at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), Montreal. To extend participation and allow for flexibility, attendees can join virtually from wherever they are in the world.

1 Sep 2021 | Montreal - exact day in September TBC
  • COVID-19 and nightlife – from crisis to recovery 
  • Inclusion and diversity – making nightlife safer and equitable
  • Drink, drugs and related health behaviours – risks and reducing harms
  • Digital technology - creating connections, protecting health
  • Infectious diseases and pandemics - making nightlife resilient in the future

The key topics for Club Health Montréal 2021 include:

  • Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
  • Design and management of nightlife environments
  • Drug legislation and drug law reform
  • Digital technology
  • Emerging trends in club culture
  • Emergency medicine
  • Forensic testing of substances, ‘pill testing’ and ‘early warning systems’
  • Health and safety standards for nighttime environments
  • Health interventions in nightlife settings
  • International nightlife tourism
  • Nightlife legislation, policy and economic impact 
  • Policing
  • Sexual health and risk taking sexual behaviours 
  • Sexual harassment and violence
  • Social exclusion – nighttime without money
  • Violence 
  • … and more

Club Health Montréal 2021 will be held at the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), Montreal; streamed live and available on demand during and after the event. 

The conference will consist of plenary sessions featuring invited speakers, round table discussions, parallel sessions comprising submitted abstracts, poster presentations and more.

The official conference language is English. There will be translation in French, Spanish and Portuguese where possible.


The abstract submission period closes on Friday 14 May 2021. People who submit an abstract will be notified about whether their abstract has been accepted by Friday 11 June 2021.

 More information here

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