Ending Gender Inequalities
Addressing the Nexus of HIV, Drug Use and Violence with Evidence-based Action
12 Apr 2016 |This action conference will be a transformational game changer. It will spotlight successful evidence-informed gender research and practice, strategize solutions, and broaden intervention implementation in usual care settings.
This conference will be the first of its kind to generate actionable solutions through plenaries, panels, and multilevel collaborative sessions. These activities will involve international participants, including gender experts, civil society, leading researchers, policy makers, survivors, implementing partners, and students.
Conference Objectives
- Enhance knowledge of evidence-based research and practice to reduce HIV, drug use, and gender-based violence
- Expand collaborative networks to identify successes and challenges in evidence-based research and practice
- Create a roadmap for facilitating greater implementation success in local and global markets.
Conference Overview
- The conference will include high-level plenary speakers, expert panels, survivor testimonials, and breakout sessions to identify strategic challenges and solutions to applying evidence-informed practices and to fostering implementation. Additionally, a poster session will highlight emerging research and programs, and a reception will provide attendees with an excellent opportunity to connect and expand their networks.
- This will be an exceptional learning and sharing opportunity for gender scientists, gender project officials and staff, emerging professionals, development practitioners, community members, policy advisors, donors, and students.
- The expert panels will transition into breakout sessions for attendees to actively participate in thinking through and developing research and implementation strategies. On Day 1, the panels and breakout sessions will facilitate discussions regarding common challenges and barriers related to evidence-based gender research and programming specific to the conference focus areas. On Day 2, discussions will be designed to equip participants with problem solving tools to implement and scale-up evidence-based strategies.
- The conference is aiming to be highly inclusive, with a diverse group of individuals to serve on panels and discuss cross-cutting issues. In particular, we are planning to include persons who are most affected by gender-based violence (including those affected by human trafficking), people living with HIV, key populations who are most at risk for acquiring HIV, individuals in recovery from substance use, and members of the LGBTQ community who have been affected by stigma and discrimination.