‘Public Health: know your limits’ – putting the public at the centre of urban health

19 Sep 2016 |

This conference will examine, through a critical lens, the increasingly complex relationships between policy makers, academics and researchers, communities and individuals, in a world where change is rapid and information technology has increased access to information, as well as changing the dynamics of communication and influence.

The programme will examine what the role of public health is and should be at a time when ‘citizen experts’ are increasingly active and knowledge is being expanded via social media.

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The programme will include presentations from Professor Michel Kazatchkine, UN Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS to Russia and Central Asia, Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Health Improvement and Population Health at Public Health England and a special lecture by Harry Shapiro, Director of DrugWise.

Click here for the full programme.

The registration fee for the conference is £85 per delegate place. For more details please click here

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