The Global Addiction Conference is the annual meeting for the Global Addiction Association, that promotes knowledge-sharing facility for all those involved in the understanding and treatment of addiction.

24 Jun 2014 to 26 Jun 2014 | Rome, Italy

The Global Addiction Conference is the annual meeting for the Global Addiction Association. Addiction represents one of the areas of medicine that is least understood, yet generates an enormous burden on society, the medical profession, carers and individual sufferers.  
You can view our infographic below for a summary of topics covered by the conference.

Overview Of Subject Submissions For GLADD Conferences 2014

The Global Addiction Association is a knowledge-sharing facility for all those involved in the understanding and treatment of addiction.  It offers the opportunity for all interested parties to link both on-line and at the conference. Traditionally the conference has been a clinical and research meeting. In Pisa at the 2013 Global Addiction and Europad Joint conference we introduced a third element with our Policy stream which enabled clinical, research and policy individuals to debate the ways in which society can improve its response to, and treatment of, addiction.

An important part of the Global Addiction conference are the specialist sessions developed and presented by our Association partners.  For 2014 we are delighted to welcome Alice Rap, IDHDP, EURAD and EMCDDA as contributors. 


  • Alice Rap are delivering a symposium: Alcohol health footprint as a tool for individual management change. Day 1, Tuesday 24th June
  • IDHDP are delivering a workshop incorporating several sessions ranging from: Why drug policy is so important through to The impact of racism on drug policy. Day 2, Wednesday 25th June
  • EURAD will be presenting a session focusing on A public health approach to drug policy Day 3, Thursday 26th June
  • EMCDDA are running a 2 hour symposium: Cannabis treatment and prevention in a fast changing legal environment. Day 2, Wednesday 25th June

Read here more info about the conference.

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