7th City Health 2018
The 7th City Health conferences will take place in Odesa (Ukraine) 13/14 September 2018. The event is hosted by Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine), AFEW International (Netherlands) and the City of Odesa, in association with Knowledge-Action-Change (United Kingdom).
13 Sep 2018 | Odessa, UkraineThe seventh in the series of City Health conferences will take place in Odesa (Ukraine) 13/14 September 2018. The event is hosted by Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine), AFEW International (Netherlands) and the City of Odesa, in association with Knowledge-Action-Change (The United Kingdom).
The theme for City Health 2018 is ‘Developing healthy responses in a time of change’. This includes changes in political and societal norms, as well as changes in perceptions and expectations within communities. It also provides scope to tackle the important principle of inclusion, with regard to marginalised individuals and groups. Odesa, a vibrant port city, was chosen specifically as a city facing many changes with regards to public health.
Delegates from around the world will gather to examine how, in the increased urbanisation of society, cities respond to changing populations, changing economic and environmental pressures and adapt to changing health behaviours, to ensure and promote health and wellbeing through engaging diverse groups and cultures.
This is an ‘inclusive’ conference, with presenters and participants including NGOs, community projects, advocacy groups, as well as urban and health planners, academics, policy makers and those who deliver services and interventions.
The programme for the conference is designed by a committee comprising representatives of the local hosts, former hosts and other international experts, who will lend their expertise to mix and match presentations, to create sessions that cut across issues, professions and disciplines and look at problems and possible solutions in a more ‘horizontal’ and integrated way.
A call for abstracts will be issued shortly and we encourage you to think about submitting and being part of this landmark event.
KAC and its partners will issue regular updates on the conference, including important information about speakers added to the programme. If you would like to receive these updates, and information about City Health International in general, please register here
We hope to see you in Odesa The Conference Team
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