Join more than 1,500 attendees representing over 80 countries at the 2017 International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

11 Oct 2017 to 14 Oct 2017 |

The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is a biennial event that brings together people from around the world who believe that the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. More than 1,500 attendees representing over 80 countries joined us in the Washington, DC metropolitan area in 2015 and we are primed for an even larger attendance later this year when we bring the conference to Atlanta!

This year attendees will have the opportunity to spend three days interacting with people committed to finding alternatives to the war on drugs while participating in sessions given by leading experts from around the world. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this event.

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See below for what attendees had to say about the recent 2015 Reform Conference:
"A tremendous success."
“One of the best conferences of its kind."

“I found the sessions very well organized and relevant to my work.“

"A conference that is hard to beat."

Click here for more details

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