Annual Scientific Alcohol and Drug Conference
This year's conference will be in collaboration with WA Drug and Alcohol Office, who bring a strong track record of attracting speakers and participants from across the alcohol and other drugs sector to conferences, together with APSAD's record of presenting the cutting edge research evidence and delivering engaging local and international presenters.
8 Nov 2015 to 11 Nov 2015 | Pan Pacific Hotel, Perth, AustraliaThis years conference will address a diverse range of issues including co-existing mental health and drug problems, aetiology, policy innovations, emerging psychoactive substances, responding to First Peoples’ needs and addressing drug related harms.
The Conference, to be held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth from Sunday 8 November - Wednesday 11 November 2015, will feature an exciting program of international and national speakers. The Conference program will explore the individual, cultural, political, social and other contexts critical to effective prevention and treatment, through poster presentations, symposia, keynotes and concurrent sessions.
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