The purpose of the event is to examine the potential for a new approach to European Drug Policy in view of the latest international developments.

5 Mar 2014 | Brussels, Belgium

The purpose of the event is to examine the potential for a new approach to European Drug Policy in view of the latest international developments.

It will be celebrated on Wednesday 5 March 2014, 18.30 - 21.30 at the European Parliament Brussels, room PHS 7C50.


18.30 - 18.40: NIKOS CHRYSOGELOS, MEP Greens, welcoming speech
18.40 - 19.40: Projection of the documentary "Breaking the Taboo" (Sundog Pictures, 58')
19.40 - 20.00: RUTH DREIFUSS, former president of the Swiss Federal State, member of Global Commission on Drug Policy
20.00 - 20.15: VALERIE CURRAN, Professor of Psychopharmacology at University College London, member of Global Commission on Drug Policy
20.15 - 20.30: WOLFGANG GOETZ, Director of EMCDDA
20.30 - 20.40: PAOLA TARDIOLI-SCHIAVO, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Justice, European Commission.
20.40 - 20.50: MIKE TRACE, International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
20.50 - 21.30: Q&A

A new approach to European drug policy

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