3rd City Health International Conference
The conference will examine how cities around the globe respond to changing populations and adapt to changing health behaviours.
3 Nov 2014 | Amsterdam, The NetherlandsFounded in 2012 City Health International is a collaboration between individuals and organisations engaged in the study of and response to structural health issues and health behaviours in the urban environment. For the first time in history the majority of the world’s population now live in urban environments and the proportion continues to grow. As national governments struggle to deal with the pressures and demands of growing urban populations against a backdrop of financial deficits and uncertainty, it is increasingly left to those working at a city level to provide the leadership and support needed to tackle key health issues.
This third International City Health Conference, hosted by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) and the Trimbos Institute, organised by Knowledge•Action•Change, will take place over two days, at the Casa 400 Hotel, in Amsterdam, on 3rd and 4th November 2014.
The city of Amsterdam has a rich cultural history and today is home to vibrant, diverse communities. The city also boasts a proud tradition of innovation in public health, demonstrating the importance and effectiveness of city-level initiatives and interventions, to meet the needs of its citizens and visitors.
The conference will build on the achievements of previous City Health events and the programme will be designed to examine how cities around the globe respond to changing populations and adapt to changing health behaviours, to ensure and promote health and wellbeing to reflect diverse groups and cultures.
The hosts for the conference are both internationally acknowledged leaders in the field of public health and will use this to ensure the programme reflects current thinking and relates to current issues of concern for urban populations.