This conference aims to present the latest evidence relevant to the field and critically evaluate the implications for patients, clinicians, administrators and policy makers.

28 Mar 2015 to 1 Apr 2015 | Atlanta, USA

The American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence works with federal agencies and state substance abuse authorities concerning opioid treatment policy. The Association developed the State Methadone Guidelines (1993) and conjunction with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT).

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The 2015 conference in Atlanta aims:

  • To present the latest evidence relevant to the field and critically evaluate the implications for patients, clinicians, administrators, and policy makers
  • To disseminate evaluation and treatment techniques to better serve patients and providers, improve program development and administration, and enhance patient outcomes
  • To develop strategies to assist healthcare partnerships and collaborations by advancing their understanding of medication assisted treatment as a crucial element to community wellness in an era of healthcare reform
  • To improve the collaboration between opioid treatment programs and community partners in response to the heightened risks associated with the use of opioids
  • To formulate methods to promote, support, facilitate, and integrate medication assisted treatment into the judicial and penal systems, government, and social service organizations
  • To discuss the magnitude and impact of prescription opioids on the healthcare system and Opioid Treatment Programs

Read more information about the conference.

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