This conference aims to set up future steps to create a future more proactive drug policies that better serve to protect our society.

5 Apr 2014 | Galway, Ireland

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Ireland is hosting the 1st ever National SSDP Irish Conference at National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) on Saturday, the 5th of April at 10:30am.

We invite you to participate in our first National Conference to learn more about the future of Students for Sensible Drug Policy in Ireland and how we will be instrumental in creating future more proactive drug policies that better serve to protect our society.

Keynote Speakers to include:

  • Tom Lloyd, Ex-Police Constable and International Drug Policy Advise
  • Dr. Paul O’Mahony, Criminologist, Author of ‘The Irish War on Drugs’ and member of the Irish Penal Reform Trust
  • Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan TD

SSDP is the only student-lead, grass-roots, non-profit network of students in the world working to end drug prohibition. We are dedicated to ending the failed, disastrously ineffective and counter-productive war on drugs by offering students opportunity to educate themselves as we put students and non-students in direct contact with medical and academic professionals. Our aim to increase student-lead capacity building around drug related issues and to keep students informed and articulate about current policy developments internationally and to provide a platform for the public to engage in these conversations.

We are organizing a social event to celebrate the night. Details on group transport and accommodation will be provided.

You are encouraged to join us in these efforts as we strengthen existing chapters, help start new chapters and develop further networking for the SSDP community.


To register for this conference, please visit our registration page here.

Click here to read more info and links.

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