On this page you will find the latest relevant updates on a broad range of health and policy related topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug use, overdose prevention, harm reduction, drug treatment and criminal justice.

6 Sep 2017
Access to treatment with controlled medicines rationale and recommendations for neutral, precise, and respectful language
4 Sep 2017
Global Commission on Drugs - Position Paper
Treating Heroin Addiction With Heroin: What You Need to Know
31 Aug 2017
European programs offer medical-grade heroin for users to inject under strict supervision, and it's helping – so why won't it happen in the U.S.?
Scotland has the highest drug-related death rate in the EU
25 Aug 2017
New figures show that Scotland's rate of drug-related deaths per head is more than double that for England and Wales.
The butterfly community: A movement of women who use drugs in Indonesia
22 Aug 2017
Risma is familiar with the harms that women can face in Indonesian prisons; in 2006, she was sentenced to 18 months incarceration after being caught with a small quantity of drugs.
The EU adopts its most progressive drug action plan ever
11 Aug 2017
Although it was without much fanfare that the European Commission, in July 2017, published the new Action Plan on Drugs (2017-2020), the drug policy community should celebrate it as a great achievement both for its progressive content and for the meaningful involvement of civil society in its preparation.
'Heroin is very good at getting rid of all my problems': drugs and sexism in India
1 Aug 2017
Gender bias and stigma mean female drug addicts survive under the radar, making it harder for them to access treatment.
What’s the point in a new drug strategy if it isn’t being funded and isn’t new?
20 Jul 2017
As home secretary Theresa May published the last drug strategy 7 years ago, she couldn’t have predicted what would have happened to her since.
UK Government’s new drug strategy is a "shameful ignoring of the evidence"
17 Jul 2017
The government claims that its new drug strategy represents a fresh approach to the challenges posed by illicit drugs. In reality, it is stuck in a time warp, fighting battles that were lost in the last century.
It's Time for the U.S. to Decriminalize Drug Use and Possession
11 Jul 2017
This report offers a roadmap for how to begin to unwind the failed drug war.
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