Prescribed drugs associated with dependence and withdrawal – building a consensus for action
This analysis report has been developed following the board of science’s call for evidence undertaken in March 2014. It aims to provide a platform for action to improve the prevention, identification and management of dependence and withdrawal associated with prescribed drugs.
People who inject drugs should have access to hepatitis C treatment, expert panel recommends
New recommendations on hepatitis C treatment and care for people who inject drugs encourage physicians to offer treatment to all people who inject drugs diagnosed with HCV, and to offer a comprehensive package of social support and harm reduction to enable people to adhere to treatment.
Improving access to palliative care
Palliative care relieves physical, psychosocial and spiritual suffering and improves quality of life.
Why the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Need Good Drug Policy
The emphasis on prohibition has done little to control the production, or consumption of drugs. These policies have failed because the factors driving thousands of people to join illicit drug markets are deep and structural.
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences: Global Overview 2015
In this new fourth edition of HRI's 'Global Overview' series, HRI updates previous research on the death penalty for drugs in law and practice worldwide, and also considers critical developments on the issue.
Homelessness: An Unhealthy State
Health status, risk behaviours and service utilisation among homeless people in two Irish cities.
Understanding Chem Sex
The term ‘chemsex’ means ‘sex while using drugs’. This booklet gives practical advice about safer drug taking, and how to lower the chance of sexual health risks when mixing drugs and sex.
Minimum quality standards for drug demand reduction interventions in the EU
On 14 September 2015, the Council of the European Union adopted Council conclusions on the implementation of minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the EU. This innovative initiative lists 16 standards that represent a minimum benchmark of quality for interventions in: drug use prevention, risk and harm reduction, treatment, social integration and rehabilitation.
The Sustainable Development Goals: Steering the United Nations towards 2030
The year 2015 is a landmark year for the United Nations: not only is it the Organization's 70th anniversary, but critically for the future, it sets out an ambitious new agenda and benchmarks, aiming to steer the course of the world towards sustainable development - this by 2030.
SDGs will not be achieved without drug policy reform
Global health policy will enter a new era later this month as world leaders adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs.) SDGs should include a set of specific commitments to respond to the drugs issue and provide a frame for the basis of next year's United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the world drug problem.
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