INCB Annual Report 2016
INCB report calls for drug policies that take women into account, as countries register disproportionate rise in overdoses among females.
Taking stock: where does Europe stand in the elimination of hepatitis B and C?
In 2016, a regional action plan for Europe that aims to contribute to the implementation of the global viral hepatitis elimination strategy was developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. This article looks at how Europe is doing according to these the ten indicators and targets.
Women who use drugs need good information and responsive care during pregnancy
Rachel, like all women who use drugs need good information and responsive care during pregnancy. And everyone working together with the further parents in the driving seat.
The Liberator: Susan Burton on the War on Drugs, black motherhood and freedom
In 1981, Susan Burton’s 5-year-old son, her baby, ran into the street outside their home in South Los Angeles and was killed when a Los Angeles police officer struck him with his car...................... And he kept going.
Centre being considered for babies born addicted to drugs
With the help of Bob Hansen, recently appointed director of addiction services at Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine and Marshall Health, a new community group is looking to establish a comprehensive program for babies born addicted to drugs.
Kassandra Frederique, Drug Policy Alliance’s Black History Month series visionary, talks owning our narratives
One cannot discuss black history in its entirety without discussing the war on drugs and dismantling that war will shape our future.
Fatal opioid poisoning: a counterfactual model to estimate the preventative effect of treatment for opioid use disorder in England
First robust analysis estimates that between 2008 and 2011, 880 opioid related "overdose" deaths were prevented each year by addiction treatment in England, reducing total deaths by over 40%.
The Scholar: Samuel K. Roberts Jr. on drug policy, radical recovery and ‘capital flight’
Roberts’ focus on harm reduction for people of colour encompasses much more than ensuring individual safety; rather, it is about dismantling systems that are unsafe for black people in the United States of America.
Women and gender in the drug war
The criminalization of pregnant women is not only an affront to women’s rights; it puts both mother and fetus at greater risk by erecting barriers to drug treatment and prenatal care.
Women’s voices — experiences and perceptions of women facing drug problems
Epidemiological studies routinely collect quantitative data on gender differences in drug use, but far less is published on the qualitative aspects of women who use drugs. This review, although published in 2009, provide glimpses into the experiences and perceptions of women facing drug issues that statistics alone cannot provide.
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