A Second Chance
Overdose prevention, naloxone, and human rights in the United States.
European Drug Report 2017: Trends and developments
What do the latest data tell us about the European drug market? What are the new trends in drug use among European adults and school students? What are the harms associated with drug use and what is being done to counter them? These and other questions are explored in the 2017 European Drug Report, our annual overview of the drug situation in Europe.
Funding for Harm Reduction under threat in Europe
Austerity, international donor retreat and poor political support are severely limiting harm reduction responses in several European Union (EU) countries.
Addiction medicine, 2nd ed. oxford specialist handbooks (OUP) - Discount offer
Edited by a global team of psychiatrists experienced in the treatment of addiction. 
How drug control policy and practice undermine access to controlled medicines
Prioritizing restrictive control is to the detriment of ensuring adequate availability of and access to controlled medicines, violating the rights of people who need them.
Reducing drug deaths: Heroin injection by appointment
The next step in addiction is assisting those who use heroin to inject.
How many people die from drugs?
The straight answer is that we do not know exactly how many drug-related deaths there are in the UK. This is because it depends on what definition of drug-related deaths is used, which is not a simple question.
Treating people for HCV infection in a barrier free low threshold setting
Written by Prof John Dillon, Professor of Hepatology & Gastroenterology School of Medicine, University of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical school.
Why we need harm reduction in the programme of AIDS 2018 Conference
The 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS2018) that will be held in Amsterdam 23 - 27 July 2018 will have special attention for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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