Restricting ketamine would have 'dire consequences' for surgery in low-resource countries, anesthesiologists warn Date:
Proposals to restrict access to ketamine by making it a "Schedule I" drug would have a major impact on the availability of anesthesia and surgery in low- to middle-income countries, where ketamine is often the only general anesthetic drug available, according to experts.
The effectiveness of compulsory drug treatment: A systematic review
Despite widespread implementation of compulsory treatment for drug dependence, there has been no systematic evaluation of the evidence on the effectiveness of this treatment.
National Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of HCV in adults
Providing guidance to Health Board Area Drug and Therapeutics Committees on the recommended place in treatment of HCV drugs taking into consideration SMC guidance, clinical effectiveness and price.
HIV, HCV, TB and Harm Reduction in Prisons
Even though prisoners do not forfeit their human rights, such as the right to health, there is an enormous gap between health and human rights standards and their effective implementation in places of detention.
New policies, educational programs help, but don't solve, problems with opioid abuse
Medical provider training, new clinic policies and efforts to 'taper' opioid use for pain treatment could significantly reduce the level of opioid medication that patients used. A limited but positive step for a nation enmeshed in opioid use, abuse and overdose deaths.
A Detailed Exploration Into the Association of Prescribed Opioid Dosage and Overdose Deaths Among Patients With Chronic Pain.
High opioid dosage has been associated with overdose, and clinical guidelines have cautioned against escalating dosages above 100 morphine-equivalent mg (MEM) based on the potential harm and the absence of evidence of benefit from high dosages. However, this 100 MEM threshold was chosen somewhat arbitrarily.
US drug overdose deaths: a global challenge
On Jan 19, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new country-level estimates showing unprecedented rates of drug overdose deaths, with 47 055 deaths in the USA in 2014.
National Drug Control Strategies and Access to Controlled Medicines
According to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) “around 5.5 billion people still have limited or no access to [opioid analgesics], such as…morphine” which leaves “75 percent of the world population without access to proper pain relief treatment.” It called addressing the discrepancy “one of the obligations for governments to comply with the International Drug Control Conventions.
Realising Rights: Developing Human Rights-based Indicators for Drug Control
Briefing for Member States at the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy and UN University event ‘Identifying Common Ground for UNGASS 2016: Rethinking Metrics to Evaluate Drug Policy’
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