Women, drug policies and incarceration in the Americas
A project by the Washington Office on Latin America, the International Drug Policy Consortium, Dejusticia, and the OAS Inter-American Commission of Women.
The core components of a gender sensitive service for women experiencing multiple disadvantage: A review of the literature
This literature review continues where the Women at Risk report left off, encompassing the same areas of disadvantage faced by women: Contact with the criminal justice system, homelessness, involvement in prostitution or sexual exploitation, serious problems with drug and/or alcohol.
Do no harm - Health, human rights and people who use drugs
Evidence supports the need for a shift in the global approach to drug use. In this report, Do no harm: health, human rights and people who use drugs, UNAIDS shows what works to reduce the impact of HIV and other harms related to drug use. Countries that have moved away from laws and policies that are harmful to people who use drugs and that have increased investment in harm reduction have reduced new HIV infections and improved health outcomes. These policies also deliver broader social benefits, such as lower levels of drug-related crime and reduced pressure on health-care and criminal justice systems.
Opioid substitution treatment in New South Wales, Australia
Written by Dr Alex Wodak AM, Emeritus Consultant, Alcohol and Drug Service, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney. President, Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation. Director, Australia21
What’s life like for women who use drugs in Indonesia? It’s time we asked them
Women who inject drugs in Indonesia suffer the social repercussions of drug use and dependence differently than men, often with worse outcomes.
Are we in denial about women and addiction?
Ignoring half the world’s population takes concerted effort or at least some level of collusion.
Cambodia joins in the crackdown on drug use
Written by Vic Salas, MD, MPH, Independent Consultant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Manila, Philippines.
The rights and dignity of all pregnant women must be constantly upheld
Every time we divide pregnant women into good ones and bad ones, we become less likely to win our struggle for reproductive justice. The rights and dignity of all pregnant women must be constantly upheld.
Reproductive planning for women who use drugs
Women who use drugs have high-risk pregnancies with increased mortality and morbidity among mothers and babies. Adverse outcomes include increased rates of prematurity, low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction.
Better treatment for ageing people who use drugs: Survey in Europe
Correlation Network are wanting to find examples of good practice in the care of Older people who use drugs. This is for their BeTrAD Project (Better treatment for ageing drug users). By filling in this questionnaire you will help us to get an overview about current services targeting ageing people who use drugs in Europe and collect examples of good practice. Hence develop tailored services for this group.The survey is in the form of a word document. Please email when completed to: mhudepohl@correlation-net.org
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