Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders
This manual has been developed to provide behavioral health care programs offering substance abuse treatment services information to better address the needs of clients who have viral hepatitis. The manual was developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
IDHDP support letter for Norway child protection case
IDHDP sent a letter in support of a young pregnant woman who was being held against her will by child welfare authorities in Norway.
Dr Chris Ford speaks to America's Center for Global Health Policy
Chris Ford speaks about IDHDP on the Infectious Disease Society of America's Center for Global Health Policy blog.
The Voice of Harm Reduction User Rights Edition, November 2011
This issue is dedicated to the Rights of People Who Use Drugs. In the content you will find: Message from an Expert: Mat Southwell, INPUD and Olga Belyaeva, EHRN Steering Committee member; Completing Laws with Rights, review by Mikhail Golichenko, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and more
Amphetamine Type Stimulants and Harm Reduction
Problematic use of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)2 has become a significant health and social problem in East and Southeast Asia, in particular the use of methamphetamine, the most potent amphetamine derivative and most widely used substance in the region.
Prevention of torture by doctors and organisations
The report draws attention to the many instances of medical professionals who, often at personal risk, seek to prevent and mitigate the effects of torture.
Limited access to HIV prevention in French prisons (ANRS PRI2DE): implications for public health and drug policy
Overpopulation, poor hygiene and disease prevention conditions in prisons are major structural determinants of increased infectious risk within prison settings but evidence-based national and WHO guidelines provide clear indications on how to reduce this risk. We sought to estimate the level of infectious risk by measuring how French prisons adhere to national and WHO guidelines.
INPUD Statement and Position Paper on language,identity, inclusivity and discrimination
"INPUD is a global network that advocates for the human rights of people who use drugs. As with earlier movements for equality - notably those relating to gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and disability - language is one domain through which identity is expressed and where oppression may arise."
Troops Becoming Drug Addicts - What is the Solution?
An interview regarding the denial by U.S. military's insurance scheme to cover maintenance pharmacotherapy treatment for addiction.
Profile: Kamiar and Arash Alaei - Championing HIV/AIDS initiatives in Iran
A profile in The Lancet (Vol 378, 16 July 2011) of Drs. Arash and Kamiar Alaei.
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