On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

HIV prevention among people who use drugs in East Africa
IDPC briefing paper analyses the barriers and opportunities for harm reduction, and provides recommendations to improve access to services in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania.
Licensing and Regulation of the Cannabis Market in England and Wales: Towards a Cost/Benefit Analysis
The Beckley Foundation state in the report that drug policy reform would provide the "UK government with the funds to address negative impacts while leaving considerable money to spend on prevention. Furthermore, it would give police more resources to go after violent criminals, rather than being preoccupied by ineffective—and even discriminatory—policing practices."
The End of Marijuana Prohibition?
Editorial by Andy Ko from Open Society Foundation reviews the 21st Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Drugs: regulation & harm
Professor David Nutt talks about the politics and idiosyncrasies of UK drug regulation and describes a more logical alternative.
Proposal for New Drugs Laws in Argentina
The Beckley Foundation reviews the 11 National Conference on Drugs Policy in Buenos Aires, held on 29 and 30 of August 2013.
Drugnet Europe 83
EMCDDA July - September 2013 newsletter. In this issue: Screening for hepatitis B and C infection in Europe | Second international conference on novel psychoactive substances | EMCDDA report explores models of addiction | New Zealand enacts innovative regulatory system on new drugs | 5-IT recommended for control at EU level.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) criminal justice fact sheet.
SMMGP July / August Policy Update 2013
SMMGP give an update on current policy documents in the England and Scotland from July / August 2013.
UNAIDS report on the global aids epidemic 2013
UNAIDS’s report states that recent data suggest little change has occurred in the HIV burden among people who inject drugs. HIV incidence among this population remains high, up to 28% in Asia and with people who inject drugs accounting for more than 40% of new infections in some countries. At least 158 countries reported injecting drug use and 120 countries have documented HIV among people who inject drugs. Coverage of HIV prevention services remains low and uptake of voluntary HIV testing are extremely low among people who inject drugs and among 35 countries providing data in 2013, all but four reached less than 10% of opiate users with OST. In addition to exceptionally low coverage, an effective AIDS response among people who inject drugs is undermined by punitive policy frameworks and law enforcement practices, which discourage individuals from seeking the health and social services they need.
Advocates Commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day
Drug Policy Alliance Leads National Effort for Comprehensive Overdose Prevention Policies; Ten States Passed "911 Good Samaritan" Laws in 2012 and 2013.
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