On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Prisons and health
This report outlines important suggestions by international experts to improve the health of people in prison and to reduce the risks posed by imprisonment to both health and society. In particular, it aims to facilitate better prison health practices in the fields of human rights and medical ethics, communicable diseases; noncommunicable diseases; oral health; risk factors; vulnerable groups; and prison health management.
Health interventions for prisioners
The WHO compiles in this document several studies that have demonstrated that HIV prevention programmes, including education, condom distribution, OST, and needle and syringe programmes, can be successfully implemented in prisons and other closed settings.
AIDS Today: Tell no lies and claim no easy victories
This report presents the debate about the global AIDS response: what it has achieved, what it can teach others fighting for health and justice, and what remains to be done to bring about a sustainable end to AIDS.
The relationship between US heroin market dynamics and heroin‐related overdose, 1992–2008
This paper hypothesizes that components of the US illicit drug market, specifically heroin source/type, price and purity, will have independent effects on the number of heroin‐related overdose hospital admissions.
Alcohol and other drug treatment and diversion from the Australian criminal justice system: 2012-13
In Australia, there were 24,069 clients who had been diverted into alcohol and other drug treatment, comprising 24% of all clients. Diversion clients were younger and more likely to be male than non-diversion clients, and less likely to be Indigenous. Diversion treatment episodes were about twice as likely to involve cannabis as the principal drug of concern compared with episodes for non-diversion clients.
The road to UNGASS 2016: Process and policy asks from IDPC
This document outlines the five main “asks” that the International Drug Policy Consortium members will collectively call for between now and the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) to be held in New York in the summer of 2016.
Not just in transit drugs: The state and society in West Africa
A destructive new threat is jeopardizing this progress in West Africa: with local collusion, international drug cartels are undermining our countries and communities, and devastating lives.
Deaths Related to Drug Poisoning in England and Wales, 2013
Male drug poisoning increase by 19% compared with England and Wales in 2013. Female drug poisoning has been increasing since 2009. Heroin/morphine remain the substances most commonly involved in drug poisoning deaths.
A defence of drug prohibition (Don Weatherburn)
This paper acknowledges that social and financial costs of the prohibition against illegal drugs but argues that prohibition also prevents a great deal of harm
A critique of drug prohibition (Alex Wodak)
Drug prohibition has proved to be an expensive way of making a bad problem worse: its major success has been as a political strategy.
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