On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Report on Opioid-Related Deaths during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario led the province to declare a state of emergency on March 17, 2020. Physical distancing measures intended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 (e.g., reduced hours of operation for pharmacies, outpatient clinics, and harm reduction sites providing care to people who use drugs) may have led to unintended harms in terms of opioid-related deaths.
80% of Americans can't accurately identify opioids, study finds
While three-quarters of Americans believe they can recognize whether or not they have been prescribed an opioid, only 1 in 5 of these participants could correctly identify seven commonly prescribed opioids.
New study calculates alarming lifetime risk of death from firearms and drug overdoses in the US
A new study appearing in The American Journal of Medicine calculates the lifetime risk of death from firearms and drug overdoses in the United States.
Making the investment case: Cost-effectiveness evidence for harm reduction
This briefing compiles geographically diverse evidence to enable advocates to make the case for the cost-effectiveness of harm reduction
Patients with substance use disorder discriminated against by post-acute care facilities
New study at Boston Medical Center results show high rejection rates based on substance use disorder, medication treatment status
Exaggerating Harmful Drug Effects on the Brain Is Killing Black People
Exaggerations of the detrimental impact of recreational drug use on the human brain have bolstered support for draconian drug policies and have been used to justify police brutality against Black people. This situation has led to disproportionately high Black incarceration rates and countless Black deaths.
Overview: The opioid crisis in America
As the United States—and the world—reel from the COVID-19 pandemic, the epidemic of opioid use disorder continues to ravage the country. It too has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, devastated families and local communities, and exposed critical weaknesses in U.S. drug policy as well as in the health and welfare systems available to our low-income population.
Drug Offences and the Death Penalty in Malaysia: Fair Trial Rights and Ramifications
This report considers whether Malaysian death penalty trials for drug-related offences comply with fair trial guarantees, and whether accused persons are provided with the high level of procedural fairness and access to justice required.
Impact of a health system's three-pronged strategy to address the opioid epidemic
Dr. Oralia Dominic, the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Highmark Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, defined the three-pronged public health strategy that was implemented in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, to curtail the use and abuse of opioid.
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