On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Evaluation of opioid modulation in major depressive disorder
Balanced agonist–antagonist opioid modulation represents a novel and potentially clinically important approach to the treatment of MDD and other psychiatric disorders.
The impact of opioid substitution therapy on mortality post-release from prison: retrospective data linkage study
In New South Wales, Australia, opioid substitution therapy in prison and post-release appears to reduce mortality risk in the immediate post-release period.
Opiate substitution treatment and HIV transmission in people who inject drugs: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Drug injectors are vulnerable to infection with HIV and other blood-borne viruses due to shared use of injecting equipment as well as sexual behaviour. This review aimed to assess the degree to which this risk is affected by opioid maintenance and detoxification programmes involving the prescription of opiate-type drugs such as methadone to dependent injectors to reduce their reliance on illegal drugs such as heroin.
Ongoing impact of HIV infection on mortality among people who inject drugs despite free antiretroviral therapy
HIV infection continues to have a persistent impact on mortality rates among people who inject drugs in settings with free HIV/AIDS care, although causes of death have shifted markedly from infectious and AIDS-related causes to non-AIDS-related etiologies.
Cost-effectiveness of rapid hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and simultaneous rapid HCV and HIV testing in substance abuse treatment programs
On-site rapid hepatitis C virus and HIV testing in substance abuse treatment programs is cost-effective at a <$100 000/quality-adjusted life year threshold.
The impact of drug policy on women
In the public mind, the “war on drugs” probably conjures up a male image. In most countries, official statistics would show that men, indeed, are the majority of people who use drugs recreationally, who have problematic use, and who sell drugs. But punitive drug laws and policies pose a heavy burden on women and, in turn, on the children for whom women are often the principal caregivers.
Drug Scope - Drug-related deaths summit
DrugScope, Public Health England (PHE) and the Local Government Association (LGA) convened a national summit on 23 January 2015 to explore the complex causes behind the rise in deaths and produce practical messages for key decision makers who can help prevent future drug-related deaths.
High hepatitis C virus prevalence and incidence in a Spainsh cohort of young heroin injectors in a context of extensive harm reduction programmes
Despite fairly high HRI coverage among Spanish drug injectors, a distressingly high incidence of HCV in a context of high HCV prevalence was found among young heroin injectors.
Hepatitis C: only a step away from elimination?
Extraordinary recent developments in treatment for hepatitis C off er substantial grounds for optimism. A series of new drugs - more effective in viral clearance with fewer side-effects - are changing the landscape for hepatitis C.
Protecting the human rights of people who use psychedelics
Prohibition has had negative outcomes for the millions of individuals who find it worthwhile to use psychedelics in various cultural settings outside of those in the clinic.
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