On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Harm Reduction
This series intends to provide a primer on why governments must not turn a blind eye to pressing human rights and public health impacts of current drug policies.
Psychosocial Determinants of Cannabis Dependence: A Systematic Review of the Literature
The study aims to identify recent findings regarding psychosocial determinants of cannabis dependence and to summarize them systematically.
EMCDDA Drugnet Europe 92
Lisbon Addictions 2015. Including conference round-up, minimum quality standards for drug demand reduction interventions in the EU, EMCDDA scientific paper award and new EMCDDA products and services.
Facilitating a transition from compulsory detention of people who use drugs towards voluntary community-based drug dependence treatment and support services in Asia
Evidence indicates that detention of people who use drugs in compulsory centers in the name of treatment is common in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Preventing infectious diseases in prisons: a public health and human rights imperative
Gen Sander, Human Rights Research Analyst at Harm Reduction International, says that states have both a public health duty and a human rights obligation to tackle spread of infectious disease in closed settings.
SMMGP Policy Update
A new report published by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) says high quality drug treatment for heroin users is cost-effective and benefits both individuals and society.
Legally flawed, scientifically problematic, potentially harmful: The UK Psychoactive Substance Bill
The Psychoactive Substances Bill, which is currently proceeding through the UK Parliament, will (if enacted) create a ‘blanket ban’ on the production, importation, exportation and supply of all psychoactive substances for human consumption, except for those that are specifically exempted.
What Comes After the War on Drugs – Flexibility, Fragmentation or Principled Pluralism?
Strengthening global drug policy at the 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem
A Global Review of the Harm Reduction Response to Amphetamines: A 2015 Update
A global review of the harm reduction response to amphetamines: A 2015 update discusses the emerging responses to amphetamine-related harms and considers the next steps for the international harm reduction community.
US guidelines updated to recommend hepatitis C treatment for all
US guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis C developed by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Infectious Diseases Society of America have been updated to recommend direct-acting antiviral treatment for everyone with hepatitis C, regardless of disease stage.
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