On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

For HIV with substance use, patient navigation, incentives not enough to improve outcomes
A study found that among patients with HIV infection and substance use, patient navigation and financial incentives did not have a beneficial effect on suppressing HIV, compared to treatment as usual.
Drug-attributable deaths in the Boston-area homeless population
People experiencing homelessness are more likely to die than people of the same age, and even income status, who have stable housing.
Report of the proceedings of the 2016 CND and it's special segment on preparations for the UNGASS
Report of proceedings. International drug control is in a period of crisis and transition, with the ‘Vienna Consensus’ broken despite the veneer of agreement among states.
Public attitudes towards people with drug dependence and people in recovery
The aim of this research was to provide data on the extent and nature of stigma amongst the Scottish public towards people with and people who have recovered from drug dependence.
Global AIDS update UNAIDS 2016
The latest UNAIDS data, covering 160 countries, demonstrate both the enormous gains already made and what can be achieved in the coming years through a Fast-Track approach.
Infohep June 2016
Including Access to hepatitis C treatment: France, Ireland and India, Hepatitis C treatment rationing, global targets for the elimination of viral hepatitis and making hepatitis C diagnosis easier.
Reflections on Drug Policy and its Impact on Human Development: Innovative Approaches
This paper describes some of these initiatives in an effort to enrich the body of evidence about what works and what does not.
Health responses to new psychoactive substances
This short report provides an overview of the current situation in terms of NPS use and harms across Europe and reviews the available health- and drug-related interventions in that area.
Reflections on harm reduction policy and practice in South Africa
Written by Andrew Scheibe, MBChB, MPH, Dip HIV Man, Cape Town, South Africa.
Prevention Gap Report 2016
A new report by UNAIDS reveals concerning trends in new HIV infections among adults.
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