On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Structural racism as UK drug policy
An exploration of the views of British Black youth and communities on UK drug policy 2016.
Integrating family planning and substance use disorder treatment services: Is it a good idea?
Unmet reproductive healthcare needs among women with substance use disorders can cause a range of poor health outcomes at birth.
Latest data reveal drug-taking habits in over 50 European cities
Interactive wastewater analysis tool zooms in on city drug use.
IDPC analysis of the UNODC world drug report 2016
With the release of the World Drug Report 2016 taking place only a few months after UNGASS on the ‘world drug problem’, it is fitting – and unsurprising that the latest version of the UNODC’s flagship publication is framed within the context of the New York event and the key themes developing from it.
Turning the Tide or Riptide? the Changing Opioid Epidemic
While opioid prescribing by physicians appears to have unleashed the epidemic prior to 2012, physician prescribing no longer plays a major role in sustaining it. The accelerating pace of the opioid epidemic in 2015–16 requires a serious reconsideration of governmental policy initiatives that continue to focus on reductions in opioid prescribing.
Persistent problems: Substance use disorders in incarcerated adolescents
Previous research has documented high rates of alcohol and substance use disorders among youth in the juvenile justice system, but there are few longitudinal studies following these adolescents into young adulthood.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis for people who inject drugs and their sex partners
The global failures of primary HIV prevention for people who inject drugs are driven largely by lack of access to the basics of prevention, and this makes the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis for these populations complex and challenging.
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2015
Although HIV is preventable through effective public health measures, significant HIV transmission continues in Europe.
HIV and injection drug use
Syringe services programs for HIV prevention. Sharing needles, syringes, and other injection equipment puts people who inject drugs (PWID) at high risk for getting HIV and other infections, including hepatitis.
Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe
Update from the EMCDDA expert network.
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