On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

IDHDP Statement: In support of the Report of the Global Commission on Drugs
Statement in support of the Report of the Global Commission on Drugs
Test and treat this silent killer
The scourge of the hepatitis C virus in the United States is woefully underestimated. Brian R. Edlin states it is time the infection is given the priority it demands.
Drug Policy in Portugal: The Benefits of Decriminalizing Drug Use
The changes in Portugal’s drug law and national policy and how this has marked a turning point for the country and a milestone in international drug policy.
IDHDP Statement: Close Compulsory Drug Detention Centres
IDHDP statement in support of the recent call from the World Medical Association (WMA) and International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organizations (IFHHRO) and others to close drug detention centers.
The effectiveness of anti-illicit-drug public-service announcements: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Anti-illicit-drug public-service announcements (PSAs) have become a cornerstone of drug policy in the USA. However, studies of the effectiveness of these interventions have not been subjected to a systematic evaluation.
Substance Misuse Detainees in Police Custody Guidelines for Clinical Management (Fourth edition)
The Royal College of Psychiatrists guidelines assert that "Addicted individuals should always be cared for and treated without being stigmatised, whatever their particular circumstances. For those individuals who become casualties of substance misuse and are in police custody, these guidelines offer a humane response, with provision for care and treatment. They are flexible tools designed to accommodate changes in the nature and extent of substance misuse in the community, as well as changes in national policy and strategy, together with new developments in the care and management of substance-dependent individuals."
OSF Fact Sheet - Deprivation, Violence and Forced Labor: The Realities of "Drug Detention"
Open Society Foundations statement on drug detention by professional medical organisations (including IDHDP), United Nations bodies and international organisations.
WHO - letter to Minister of Health
The WHO Regional Office for Europe writes a strong endorsement for substitution treatment and harm reduction interventions for treating opioid dependence to the Ministry of Health in Kazakhstan, and is applicable anywhere in the world.
Drugs and Development - Caught in a Vicious Cycle
An excellent article on the link between poverty, drugs and conflict written by Nick Crofts, senior research fellow at the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne, and principle author of the "Dependent on Development" report which was recently published with support from the Global Drug Policy Program.
Summary Report of Presentations at IDHDP Seminar in Beirut, April 2011
IDHDP's seminar on "How Does Drug Policy Affect Your Country's Drug Treatment?" 5 April 2011 in Beirut.
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