On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

Modelling potential impact of expanding access to anti-retroviral therapy on the concentrated HIV epidemic in Viet Nam
Presentation from Reuben Grannich from HIV/TB in the HIV/AIDS Department of WHO at the AIDS 2012 conference.
Prevention and care towards vulnerable and stigmatized populations (MSM, drug users, sex workers)
Presentation from Joseph Larmarange from the Centre Population and Devleopment (CEPED) at the AIDS 2012 Conference.
The Global Commission on HIV and the Law: A Movement for HIV Law Reform
This session addresses the political dimensions of the Commission's recommendations as an essential ingredient for successfully using the law to scale-up effective HIV responses.
Balance Between Justice System and Provision of Services
This session is a debate about the justice system - the perspective of HIV prevention, treatment, services available, policies that influence the availability of services, and TB co-infection control.
The Robert Carr Doctrine
This document highlights the principles for a meaningful response to HIV among the world’s key affected populations.
Somebody's mother, somebody's brother
This film features Alyona and Nga. Two people whose lives have been improved by accessing harm reduction services -- including needle exchange and methadone.
Comprehensive HIV Prevention for People Who Use Drugs: Ways Forward for Inclusion of Needle and Syringe Exchange Programmes
This session addresses the potential impacts of restrictions on NSEPs, and propose ways forward for public health actors, community stakeholders, and drug users themselves to maintain and expand comprehensive services, including needle and syringe exchanges, despite the limitations in funding, restrictive political environments, and other barriers to the implementation of this preventive intervention.
Tougher policy on French illegal drug users: what impact on risk reduction?
Presentation from the French National AIDS Council at the AIDS 2012 conference.
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