On this page you can find relevant researchs on drug-related health topics, including HIV, hepatitis C, drug and overdose prevention, harm reduction and drug treatment. You can also find our Clinical Guidelines.

International AIDS Society (IAS): HIV & DRUG USE FELLOWSHIP
The IAS-NIDA Fellowship Programme aims at contributing to the scientific understanding of drug use and HIV while fostering international research collaborations. Applications for 2013 round will be open from 8 December 2012 - 10 February 2013.
Draft EU Drugs Strategy (2013-2020)
This EU Drugs Strategy provides the overarching political framework and priorities for EU drugs policy identified by Member States and EU institutions, for the period 2013-2020. The framework, aim and objectives of this Strategy will serve as a basis for two consecutive 4 year EU Drugs Action plans.
The death penalty for drug offences: Global overview 2012 Tipping the Scales for Abolition
Harm Reduction International’s eye-opening report identifies 33 countries or territories that still retain the death penalty for drug offenses, including 13 where the sentence is mandatory, and documents the laws in place as well as how frequently the sanctions are applied.
UK Drug Policy Commission 2012
Presentations from the UKDPC’s conference on the future of drug policy "New generation, new problems, new drugs: time for a different approach?"
Interesting article on "Harm Reduction and Young Injecting Drug Users in Indonesia"
2012 Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe
EMCDDA's yearly overview of the state of drug problems in Europe. This is an essential reference book for policymakers, specialists and practitioners in the drugs field or indeed anyone seeking the latest findings on drugs in Europe.
Buprenorphine treatment of opioid-dependent pregnant women: a comprehensive review
This paper reviews the published literature regarding outcomes following maternal treatment with buprenorphine in five areas: maternal efficacy, fetal effects, neonatal effects, effects on breast milk and longer-term developmental effects.
Racial/ethnic disparities in HIV infection among people who inject drugs: an international systematic review and meta-analysis
The Ethnic Minority Meta-Analysis (EMMA) aims to assess racial/ethnic disparities in HIV infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) across various countries.
Prisons and Drugs in Europe: The Problem and Responses 2012
EMCDDA reviews the available data on drug use among prison populations in Europe, focusing on injecting drug use and other health risk behaviours. Major health risks for drug-using prisoners, including blood-borne infections and infections that can affect all prisoners equally, such as tuberculosis, are discussed.
Healing a Broken System: Veterans and the War on Drugs
The report examines the plight of veterans struggling with incarceration and psychological wounds of war, such as addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder, and suggests reforms that could improve the health and preserve the freedom of American soldiers transitioning back to civilian life.
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